HomeTECHNOLOGYARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEArtificial Intelligence's Impact On Medicine And Psychology

Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Medicine And Psychology

Is Artificial Intelligence Facing An Epochal Revolution?

Artificial intelligence can analyze a vast amount of data and provide problem-solving guidance with high certainty. The algorithms, computing power, and data that we have available today are laying the foundations for a new technological revolution that will forever change people’s lifestyles and how healthcare professionals such as psychologists and doctors will have to operate.

For example, “deep learning “can establish the probability of a person experiencing a depressive episode simply by analyzing the content of text messages or status updates on social media. We are light years from the primary endeavors to make artificial consciousness; the learning frameworks we have accessible today can foster explicit abilities that were unbelievable previously. Artificial intelligence’s most widely recognized uses (computerized reasoning) incorporate visual insight, human language understanding, and AI. We utilize master frameworks consistently, for example, while discussing verbally with Alexia, Google Home, or Siri.

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Our Habits And The World Of Work Forever

The impact of robotics and artificial intelligence will lead to a disruption of our habits and, inevitably, the end of many jobs that we consider normal today, with the probable consequence of an increase in social problems if the psychological and sociological variables that this transformation will entail are not taken into consideration. The logistics, transport, education, finance, and healthcare systems are just some sectors that will undergo a definitive change. Besides, it is evident that this quest for mechanical development has been enhanced by the pandemic, which has further improved change.

Artificial reasoning performs complex exercises with speed, accuracy, and scientific limits vastly better than people. This situation can, without a doubt, address a benefit by liberating individuals from the weight of squandering life on everyday practice or examination tasks, yet there are likewise substantial risks. In 2019, it arose that a calculation utilized by a medical coverage organization in the US was conspicuously biased against dark patients, confounding their admittance to therapy.

Individuals make calculations with biases, generalizations, and “guileless” perspectives on the world and can, accordingly, present their mental contortions and predispositions into artificial intelligence (artificial brain power) frameworks. Hence, clinicians in the US are working with architects to foster artificial consciousness programming. Brain research has an expansive logical reason for human-PC communication and mental working. Moral issues likewise have a significant bearing on this issue.

The Development Of Artificial Intelligence Requires A Systemic Approach

Current systems, although performing great, actually have limits. For instance, a youngster is significantly more talented than artificial reasoning in exploratory and social learning and the meaning of mental models. Thus, it would be helpful to furnish these frameworks with an “interest” and the capacity to “play” with the climate. Components that assist and build up learning in people. Artificial consciousness battles to recognize irregular clamor and an astonishing occasion for learning.

Artificial Intelligence And Robotics: From Laboratories To The Market

Another important issue concerns the commercial applications of these technologies. Many products have not aroused the interest of consumers in the past, and consequently, the big brands are now much more cautious in introducing innovations. The advantages visible in a research laboratory are one thing, but their daily application is quite another. For example, autonomous driving systems promise to make transport safer, and robotics already allows the automation of many jobs.

But what could be the impact on the public? Will people prefer to drive or be driven by artificial intelligence since it is much safer? Human beings tend to distrust technology, especially when it seems to make autonomous decisions. We tend to overestimate our cognitive abilities and ability to make decisions. Some research highlights this psychological mistrust, which could undermine the commercial success of many products and services.

Artificial Intelligence: What Scenario Awaits Us?

When we think about the future, we tend to imagine it as despotic or romantic, when in reality, developments are unpredictable and much more complex than we might believe. Many jobs will likely disappear, but others will find fundamental support in artificial intelligence. In the psychological and medical fields, it is undeniable that new technologies are already providing valuable support for patients. For example, artificial intelligence offers the possibility of:

  • Predict anti-conservative behavior more accurately.
  • Anticipate the onset of specific pathologies
  • Improve treatments for PTSD
  • Treat ADHD through a video game
  • Provide support in psychotherapy treatment
  • Search information in scientific databases with great precision and speed.
  • Improve diagnostic capacity
  • Improve access to therapies
  • Reduce costs
  • Reduce stigma

Most psychologists and doctors believe that artificial intelligence offers support and is not an alternative to traditional treatment. The problem could instead arise on the “user” side because people could overestimate the effectiveness of these tools and use them as a substitute for therapy, with all the unpredictable consequences for psychological balance.

One thing is an evidence-based path provided by a professional; another is an entirely autonomous artificial intelligence system. It is obvious how much simpler it is to use new technologies to manage an automatic driving system than a complete psychological treatment in which the relationship between the therapist and the patient is a fundamental requirement for the success of psychotherapy. There is also an issue with privacy and the collection of health-related data.

This is an area that also requires regulatory regulation and raises ethical questions. In fact, in 2020, a vital privacy problem emerged when psychotherapy sessions were made public without maintaining the patient’s anonymity during a meeting of the Talkspace company (a software house that deals with online therapy). Contrary to the provisions of the psychologists’ code of ethics and current legislation on privacy.

Also Read: With Artificial Intelligence Against The Shortage Of Skilled Workers