Business Plan Application: How To Fill In The ‘Salaries’ Tab?

After entering your estimated turnover and your operating expenses in our free digital application to support the creation of a business, you must complete the “salaries” tab. This section concerns both the employees of your future company and its – or its – manager (s). Here is the work you will have to do in this part to obtain a business plan or a complete financial forecast.

Salaries: what are we talking about exactly?

The salaries you must enter here correspond to all the salaries paid by your future company to its employees and its managers (president of SASU / SAS or manager of EURL / SARL). They can also correspond to the amounts withdrawn by the operator (case of the sole proprietorship).

Pay attention to the data entered: you must enter the net remuneration paid to the company manager ( s) while you must indicate the gross salaries attributed to the employee (s). The distinction is important because our tool will, as specified below, automatically calculate the social charges due based on these amounts.

The salary paid to the manager is determined collectively by the partners, in the articles of association or a separate act (a report). The remuneration granted to staff must comply with the regulations on social minima in particular (minimum wage) as well as the rules in force in your sector of activity ( collective agreement ).

How to add the manager’s salaries?

To add an officer salary, click on “Add an officer”. A new window will appear on the screen. Indicate, first of all, the Name and First Name of the corporate officer.

Then specify whether or not he benefits from ACRE (Assistance for the Creation and Takeover of a Business). The answer to this question will automatically adjust the number of social contributions to consider the total or partial exemption from which it benefits.

Select the distribution of the remuneration over the year:

  • Monthly: you must, in this case, enter the overall net annual remuneration for year 1, year two and year 3. The application will consider that you will pay, each month, 1 / 12th of the amount entered to the manager as net salary.
  • Personalized: this option allows you to personalize the schedule for payment of salaries to the manager. Here, you must indicate the monthly net remuneration in the appropriate boxes (payment during the year is possible).

The amount of social security contributions that appear in an orange box below the entry zone is calculated automatically. Our application is connected to URSSAF, making it possible to determine the amounts of social security contributions accurately. You must wait until the tool has completed the load calculations (i.e. an amount appears in the orange box before saving your work.

Note: if you have chosen the legal status “Individual enterprise” (with or without an option for the micro-enterprise scheme), we do not speak of “wages” but of “operator’s deductions”. You must, in this case, indicate your name and surname. Then all you have to do is enter the distribution of withdrawals over the year. The application does not calculate social charges since the basis of calculation is the profit of the company and not the remuneration received by the operator.

How to add employee compensation?

To add an employee’s remuneration, click on “Add an employee”. A new window will appear on the screen. Indicate the title of the position that the hired employee will occupy. Then select the nature of the employment contract: fixed-term contract ( CDD ) or open-ended contract ( CDI ).

Specify the duration of the employment contract in months (only in the case of CDD). Then, indicate the amount of the gross monthly remuneration paid to the employee. Wait a few moments to allow the application to calculate the net remuneration and the number of employer contributions.

As soon as the amounts appear on the screen, select the year and month of hiring. Save the record. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

What should I do after filling out the “Salaries” page?

Have you finished your work on the “Salaries” section? Go to the next step called “Investments”. You will have to identify and evaluate all the goods with a value greater than 500 € and used by your company to carry out its activity.

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