HomeSMART VAULTAPPSHow To Know If You Have Been Blocked On WhatsApp

How To Know If You Have Been Blocked On WhatsApp

Many readers ask me how to tell if you have been blocked on WhatsApp. Doubts come to everyone also because several signs can make you understand if you have been stopped but only one specific proof. The most frequent questions you users ask me are:

  • How do I know if they blocked my number?
  • How do I know if she blocked me on WhatsApp?
  • Can you see if they have blocked you on WhatsApp?

In short, the questions are different, but the topic is always the same. If you also have one of these questions (or a similar one), read this article. These are the answers you are looking for.

The Signs That Let You Know That You Have Been Blocked

Profile Picture

As I mentioned at the beginning, many signs may seem to have been blocked. The first sign that can make you understand that you have been blocked is when you no longer see the profile picture of one of your contacts. But this, unfortunately, is not specific proof. For example, among mine, some contacts don’t have a profile picture. I could easily confuse them with users who have blocked me.

WhatsApp Status

Not seeing the statuses of WhatsApp publishing your contact could also be a sign that you have been blocked. Here too, however, there is no certainty. Everyone can limit the visibility of WhatsApp status by acting on the app’s privacy settings.

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Last Accessed And Online Status

The lack of visibility of the last access is also a signal, but this is not decisive either. As you probably already know, limiting the visibility of some information on your status is possible. Among these, there is the last access to WhatsApp. The same goes for the visibility of the online status could be a signal, but by itself, it is certainly not proof. Even the online group can be obscured from contacts through the privacy settings.

Voice Calls And Video Calls

Voice calls and video calls can also be a clue, but these, too, unfortunately, cannot give us any proof. If, on the one hand, it is true that it is impossible to call or video call a person who has blocked you, on the other, it is also true that the phone calls ring empty. Consequently, not receiving any responses could be the signal of a block but could also be something else. The other person may not even be near the smartphone or turn off their mobile phone. Even in these cases, the phone rings empty. Here, too, there is no specific proof.

The Double Checks

If all the previous clues indicate the possibility of a block, you can do a test that verifies them all: try to send a message and check the outcome. If the message is delivered regularly and you get the blue double ticks, then we are in the presence of a profile without an image. If, on the other hand, the message remains on the chat with a single gray check, then most likely we have been blocked. But even this proof is not sure. It could be that our contact no longer uses the phone with the number we have in the address book.

How Can You Be Sure That You Have Been Blocked?

There is only one piece of evidence that can give you this confidence. If you are unsure whether someone may have blocked you, invite them to join a group. If you can invite her, then relationships are normal. Conversely, if it is impossible to ask her, then you can be sure you have been blocked. There is a contraindication for this test. He may get suspicious if the contact hasn’t blocked you and sees himself added to a group for no good reason. It wouldn’t be hard to understand that you added him to a group to know if he blocked you or not. You risk making a fool of yourself.

Find Out If You’ve Been Blocked, And Organize The Test

I advise you to take an opportunity to do the test to give you certainty about the situation. Take advantage of organizing an outing or a group gift. Propose to organize the classic WhatsApp group dedicated to the event. Invite everyone involved and try to bring in the person you suspect may have blocked you. Don’t invite him first or last. He might get suspicious. If WhatsApp does not allow you to invite this person, you will have your proof: he has blocked you.

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