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E-Commerce, How To Measure Your Marketing Mix?

Should we invest more in SEO or SEA? Which distribution channels should be favored between the different social networks? How do we distribute the investment between the acquisition levers? These are questions that all marketing managers ask themselves when establishing their advertising budgets and projecting their sales forecasts. So, do you have the correct method? How do you decide on your choices? The team shares a reading grid that could help you maximize your ROI…

E-Commerce, Swap Your Linear Marketing Mix For Legitimate Territories!

Anyone who follows their advertising campaign reports will have noticed that, in recent years, the cost of different actions has increased on the essential platforms. Also, coupled with a tense economic context, it is becoming complex for certain brands to continue growing investments yearly. As a result, you have to make choices! If, until now, the construction of a marketing budget dedicated to E-Commerce acquisition was essentially based on a linear reading, lever by lever, budget by budget, it becomes interesting to consider your advertising investments from a more overall.

To do this, forget the line-by-line marketing mix and choose a method focused on legitimate territories! Concretely, it involves moving away from the idea of ​​being present everywhere, all the time, to concentrate its advertising efforts on fields that represent real potential. More nuanced, this approach makes it possible to gain voice and market share and generate more conversions via acquisition for an equivalent budget.

Everything is, therefore, based on the analysis of the brand’s legitimate territories. If she generally knows her strengths and weaknesses, more than her point of view is needed. To be faithful to market reality, the analysis of legitimacy territories is done in 3D:

  • Via the brand
  • Via the consumer
  • Via search engines

It is also helpful to conduct this analysis segment by segment in order, again, to bring more nuance into the marketing mix and to break down advertising budgets by objective and by lever. The more dynamic and regular the analysis, the more convincing the results.

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Use Case #1: The Brand Has A Strong Reputation Among Consumers But Does Not Perform Well In SEO

Here, the territories of legitimacy are clear. The brand feels legitimate in its market, and this legitimacy is shared by its customers. On the other hand, with the weight of elements external to the brand, Google does not recognize this legitimacy, and the brand does not position itself up to its expectations on the engines.

Here, we will favor a marketing mix focused on SEA to fill SEO gaps and benefit from immediate results. The Notoriety aspect, worked via Social Ads, will be revised downwards in favour of a Conversion objective. Finally, the surplus from budgetary optimizations is reinvested in SEO to ensure indexing over time, mainly via net linking on niche sites, which provides the sustainability of notoriety. Thus, the brand is rebalancing its presence and continuing to develop its E-Commerce growth.

Use Case #2: The Brand Is Well-Referenced On Google But Sells Little

In this case, the analysis of legitimacy territories demonstrates that the brand feels legitimate in its market; the search engine recognizes its efforts, but customers do not follow. It is, therefore, at the level of conversions that the problem lies along the conversion tunnel. Here, several points can hold back customers, such as an unclear landing page, an unsatisfactory customer experience, a pricing policy that needs to be better adjusted to the competition, etc.

To strengthen online acquisition and, above all, maximize conversions, we must focus efforts on reassurance, relying in particular on prescribers. A Social Ads campaign, based on customer reviews or testimonials can be a solution. Likewise, an SEO action, mixing netlinking and highlighting the product on highly authoritative sites, can help consumers change their view of the brand.

Use Case #3: The Brand Generates Irrelevant SEO Traffic

Without a doubt, this is one of the worst scenarios since here, the brand is well-referenced on Google and attracts visitors to its site, but nothing happens! The problem is that the queries on which the brand is positioned need to correspond to consumer demand. As a result, if the brand is legitimate for Google, it is neither legitimate in its market nor in the eyes of its prospects, or it even loses the credit granted spontaneously.

Here, SEO must be at the center of the Marketing Mix to put the brand back on the right trajectory. This starts with an SEO audit to understand the weaknesses linked to indexing on the engines fully. Then follows work on the content funnel offered by the brand to clarify, at each level of the conversion funnel, its activities.

This generally requires redefining the entire semantics of the brand. When refining your SEO content, also find the right balance between “advice” and “transactional” queries to offer helpful content at the different stages that lead to conversion. Likewise, ensure that the content provided has sufficient business proximity to remain within your legitimate area.

One Last Indicator To Integrate: The Effort/Profit Ratio

In terms of acquisition, the efforts required to activate a lever are different, both in terms of the time invested in production and the time expected before obtaining results. It is imperative to take this factor into account in the distribution of levers within the marketing mix. The goal is to cover as much ground as possible, but only if appropriate, and to obtain results in a time frame that meets your growth requirements.

To apply this method and freshen up your marketing mix, working with a multi-lever digital agency, such as JVWEB, is a real asset. If each division has its expertise on a lever, all of your account managers also have the possibility of simple exchanges. The defined objective, like your marketing mix, is global and nuanced with the sole ambition: to help you accelerate your growth.

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