HomeTECHNOLOGYINTERNET OF THINGSInternet Of Things: Origin, Importance In The Present And Future Perspective

Internet Of Things: Origin, Importance In The Present And Future Perspective

As technological advisers, we have an obligation to be aware of the evolution of technology and its application to daily life, but with a special interest in what can help people in their jobs. The real challenge is to be able to communicate those concepts and their implications in a language that is understandable by any interlocutor.

When it comes to explaining what the IoT (Internet of Things) is, one tends to summarize that it is about turning everyday objects into sources of information that are connected to the network. Taken into the business world, it can be from sensors in production silos, that warn us of the level of a certain raw material and that allows automatic orders to be made for certain levels from an intelligent system, or the GPS itself incorporated in smartphones that allows registering the delivery routes and to plan more efficient routes.

When Did The IoT Really Emerge? How Does It Affect Us In The Present And Future?

Being this the origin, the definition of the IoT concept can be specified in a collection of unlimited objects permanently connected in a digital scenario that aspire to make everything smart by managing large amounts of information.

And here Big Data comes into play, ultimately focused on people. The purpose of the IoT is to focus on both personal and social utility. Therefore, this trend will mean the focus on the person seeking the maximum customization without losing sight of the possibilities for social or business progress.

The extent to which the IoT can affect us today is the ability to list everyday objects from the personal, or work, environment that we can turn into connected data sources.

Therefore, the IoT journey is still a long way to go and to exploit for the benefit of the information that can be processed. With more objects interconnected at work and home, more information will be flowing from these simple systems into large databases, where correlations can be made and decisions made.

The main field of current development and application of the IoT has to do with the incipient development of SmartCities. The use and transformation of the elements of a city into information collectors is leading to the use of massive data management platforms for decision-making at the government level.

Therefore, the future of the IoT, beyond the technological possibilities that it allows and the creation of this new market, will, in turn, be a driver of all kinds of sectors, at an industrial, professional level or in the Smart City environment mentioned.

The main advantage is that these data receivers and transmitters can become more and more intelligent and even be able to make decisions for themselves. What is not subject to creativity and human judgment will be replaced. We are talking about great changes that we will see soon, so much so, that in the next generation it will already be totally transformed.