HomeSMART VAULTDIGITAL MARKETINGTrends In Digital Marketing For 2021 That You Should Not Overlook

Trends In Digital Marketing For 2021 That You Should Not Overlook

The last few months have been hectic months, of profound changes in every way and adaptation to new trends and habits. And all this has inevitably marked the evolution of trends in digital marketing.

Some of them were already beginning to emerge and have settled permanently. Meanwhile, others that have worked so far have gone into oblivion. We talk about the first ones.

Story doing

Users are always an excellent tool to add value to the brand or the firm. For this reason, digital marketing strategies are increasingly inclined to exploit all the advantages that it entails. It seeks to make them protagonists, encourage them to tell their experience.

What is achieved with it? First of all, the content generated by the users themselves has a greater impact on social networks. And, secondly, it generates more trust since it is they and not the company who highlight the benefits of the product or service offered. Do not forget that ratings and comments are increasingly taken into account.

Video marketing

Video has always been a good advertising medium, but now it is gaining relevance. In digital marketing, it allows not only a greater penetration of the message but a greater acceptance of it. Video advertising content, especially about tutorials or live broadcasts, brings the brand closer to the user, favors interaction and, most importantly, encourages sharing.

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Virtual events

The coronavirus pandemic has made them hugely popular. And, at the same time, it has turned them into a good digital marketing tool. Nobody has discovered anything new, but the truth is that this type of event has many advantages. First of all, they are much more accessible than any traditional physical encounter. Second, work is being done at a forced pace to make them increasingly attractive and interactive.

Mindful marketing

Based on that fashionable practice that seeks to connect the person with their reality, mindful marketing is climbing positions at a dizzying speed in everything related to digital marketing. It shows that the company cares about what interests its target audience, their concerns and their values.

The objective is to show a more “human” face of the company, more supportive and more committed to all those issues that concern society today. In this way, users identify with a brand and, simultaneously, with a cause.

Programmatic advertising

Two of the trends in digital marketing that have developed in a dizzying way thanks to new technologies are the increasing segmentation of the target audience and the search to personalize the advertising message as much as possible.

Program advertising serves as a connection between the brand and the user through an appropriate announcement at the right time. A real goldmine for digital marketing strategies increasingly relies on wearable technology (watches, bracelets and a host of “smart” devices), but whose application can go much further.

These are some of the digital marketing strategies that have greater relevance in 2021 as there are no changes in the enormous value of always providing quality content to users. Any effort, any innovation, will come to nothing if the message does not catch, seduce and interest the receiver. That, and of course loyalty, are the foundations of any advertising strategy.

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